
How A Dermatologist Can Remove Your Moles


Moles are so common that most people have at least one. Some people have several of them. They aren't dangerous and they don't need to be removed unless they become sore from rubbing against clothing, they become precancerous, or you just don't like the way they affect your appearance. A dermatologist can remove moles quite easily, even those on your face. Here are two ways it's done. Shaving The Mole

6 May 2017

Taking Care Of An Unsightly Mole


Many people want their appearance to be as attractive as possible. If a mole is making you uncomfortable with your looks, then having the mole removed could be a great option. There are many different at-home remedies available for mole removal, but it's always best to have a dermatologist remove any moles you want to get rid of in order to avoid potential complications. Here are three things that you need to keep in mind as you attempt to take care of an unsightly mole in the near future.

22 March 2017

What Skin Care Myths Could Hurt Your Regimen?


It is nearly impossible to flip through a magazine or watch the television without seeing an ad for a skin care product. Despite the claims in the ad, not everything that you hear or see is true. To help ensure your skin care regimen is right for you, here are some common myths about skin care and the truth.   Higher SPF Is Best for the Skin Everyone knows the importance of using sunscreen to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

12 March 2017

Six Factors That May Convince You To Undergo The Microneedling Process


If you're suffering from a dermatology condition that's detracting from the appearance of your skin, you should know about the benefits offered by the microneedling process. Microneedling involves puncturing the skin with small needles so that the skin is stimulated into repairing and healing itself. The following are six reasons why this dermatology technique might be perfect for resolving your problem: Microneedling can improve the skin for patients suffering from a wide variety of conditions.

5 March 2017

Three Ways To Minimize Skin Itchiness During Menopause


The average age women enter menopause is around 51. Among many other bodily changes, many women experience increased skin itchiness when they enter this stage of their lives. This is due to the loss of estrogen and other key hormones responsible for helping the skin retain moisture, leading to dryness and itchiness. If you're scratching your skin more often or finding your current moisturizing just doesn't seem to be doing the job any more, here are three things you can do to reduce itchiness.

2 March 2017

Want A Youthful Complexion When You're Older? 4 Steps To Take Right Now


If you want to have gorgeous, wrinkle-free skin when you're older, the time to begin caring for your skin is now. Don't wait until you see the first wrinkle to start fighting them. Instead, start creating the building the foundation for younger-looking skin while you are young. Here are four steps you should implement now to have healthy, wrinkle-free skin in your golden years. Wash Your Face Before Bed If you're not taking the time to wash your face before bed, you're setting yourself up for skin problems.

28 February 2017

Will These Alternative Remedies For Acne Work?


In the eternal quest to defeat acne, people have tried various alternative remedies to clear their skin. Unfortunately, some of the remedies proved to be more damaging to their skin than expected. If you are in pursuit for an acne treatment that will work for you, here are some remedies that have been used before and whether or not they have been successful.  Salt Water Salt water has been used as a home remedy for acne in the past.

27 February 2017

Cherry Angioma Removal Options And What's At Stake


Have you been to your doctor due to a skin outbreak that concerned you and learned that you have cherry angiomas? If so, your doctor may have told you that you could visit a skin doctor if you wanted to get the lesions removed. Many cherry angiomas are harmless, and some people get them removed purely for cosmetic reasons. However, if you are concerned about the appearance of your cherry angiomas or getting a second opinion about the lesions, a dermatologist like one at Dermatology Surgery Center is a good resource to use.

24 January 2017