If you recently had a deep chemical peel performed by a cosmetic dermotologist to minimize fine lines, wrinkles, and scars on your face, the following tips will assist with keeping negative side effects to a minimum, including scabs, puffiness, and pain. As a result, you will be well on your way to healing and enjoying your updated appearance.
Apply Ointment And Allow Your Skin To Breathe
If your dermatologist instructed you to apply a specific ointment to your face each day, wash your hands with antibacterial soap or put on a pair of surgical gloves before applying the ointment to your face. Use gentle pressure as you dab a thin, even layer of ointment over your skin and leave the ointment on your face.
The ointment will assist with speeding up the healing process and will soften portions of your skin as they being to scab up. Avoid placing items directly against your skin, including facial jewelry, glasses, or bandages until the healing process is complete.
Avoid Sunlight And Keep Your Hair Pulled Back
The layers of skin that were exposed after the chemical peel was performed will be sensitive to sunlight and can be damaged if your face is exposed to the sun's rays for extended amounts of time. Try to avoid direct sunlight on a daily basis. If you do need to go out during the daytime, wear a wide-brimmed hat to block sunlight.
Do not apply any type of sunscreen to your skin without receiving approval from your dermatologist, since many products contain ingredients that could irritate your skin further. If you have long hair, wear it pulled back so that strands of hair do not brush against your face and cause discomfort.
Use Ice Packs And Take Ibuprofen As Needed
If swelling in your face is making it difficult for you to rest, wrap an ice pack in a soft cloth before applying the compress to your face. Leave the ice on your face until the puffiness has been reduced and your face feels numb. Take ibuprofen as needed, especially right before you go to sleep so that you aren't woken up by intense facial pain.
If pain becomes unbearable and the ice pack and ibuprofen aren't alleviating the discomfort in an effective manner, contact your dermatologist immediately to discuss your symptoms and to receive additional advice that will help you cope with the situation at hand while your skin heals. You can also click here for more information.
Share17 July 2017
When I was a teenager, I loved sunbathing to keep a golden tan. My family had no history of skin cancer, so I thought my skin was "invincible" to sun damage. Years later, as an adult, I noticed an unusual patch of skin on my arm. I had no idea what it was, but thankfully, I made an appointment with my GP to get it checked out. She referred me to a dermatologist who diagnosed me with very early stage skin cancer that could be treatable with a simple cream. I was very lucky that the cream worked, but if I had waited to visit the dermatologist until my skin cancer was more advanced, I would have had to have surgery to remove it. I decided to start a blog to share my story and post tips about skin health. Please come back often and learn more about skin!